Welcome To My Blog


Mohit Nair


September 30, 2023

Hiya folks! This is the first post in my blog, The Skywalker Arena. Welcome! This post is a brief introduction about me.

I’m Mohit Nair, and I hail from Bangalore. I am a B. E. Student (Branch of Information Science Engineering), at M. S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology.

Hobbies and Interests

I’m in love with and am fascinated by computers, and their capabilities. I do not have very decent coding abilities, but I try my best. My other pastimes are chess, (listening to) music, movies, loitering around in my city, and blogging (you might have already figured that out).


I am very fond of fictional cinematic universes, such as Star Wars, the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the DC Universe, and the Spider-verse. I have also developed a likeness for the Christopher Nolan films, and have watched many of them.


As for music, I love R&B, and Pop sections for the most part. However, I have also started listening to instrumentals and soundtracks from certain movies I find amazing (Hans Zimmer’s and John Williams’ works to be precise).


Chess is an addictive hobby I have been inculcating since the 2020 pandemic. I have reached 1500 ELO on chess.com if that means anything, although I’d like to classify myself as a novice at the game because of my blunders.


I aspire to be proficient in Full Stack Web Development, Data Science, and Machine Learning. I also love the prospect of exploring Natural Language Processing. For now, I’m just an explorer in the above fields.

My intention to start this blog was to journal my most notable thoughts, experiences, opinions and questions. So, be my guest, and read through them in your leisure. Thanks for reading!

(God! this looks like a Wikipedia page)